Webinar: Post-Processing and Visualizing Large Climate Model Data: Radionuclide Dispersion Modelling and High Performance Computing (HPC)
Event Details:
- Date: Tuesday, 26 October 2021
- Time: Starts: 16:00
- Venue: Live streaming of the discussion will be available on Zoom (Password: VsSCz1).
- Speaker: Mr Marco Miani, Computational Support Specialist
CaSToRC, HPC National Competence Centre
invites you to the EuroCC and SimEA Online Seminar Series
Visualization is a crucial aspect for analysing and presenting large (giga- or tera-byte) model-generated climate datasets, as the intrinsic complexity of the data structure requires effectiveness and clarity, so to convey the physical significance encapsulated in these data. In this context, special standards (formats) and conventions are used in climate science whose structure and features will presented and addressed in this seminar talk. The exploitation of these formats is a formidable example of efficiency, clarity and interoperability, as well as being a winning strategy to tackle such large-scale problems.
With growing scale, not only geophysical complexity but also computational effort and model-input data procurement grow accordingly: all mathematical models used to investigate climate change and their effects at a global scale, are run and rely on high-performance supercomputers (HPC). Specifically for this talk, an HPC-based atmospheric particle dispersion model, FLEXPART, has been set up and used to simulate a radioactive release from a newly built nuclear power plant on the southern coast of Turkey (Akkuyu), and its consequent dispersion in the EMME region. The technical aspects, as well as the scientific methodology on which these simulations are based and carried out will be presented
About the Speaker

His academic background is Physical Oceanography (Master of Science) earned at the University of Lisbon, in 2009. During and after his studies, he has been working on mathematical/numerical modelling (water waves) in both academic and commercial environments. After completing his master's degree, he has worked at the Coastal Research Station (island of Norderney, Germany), as Technical Research Assistant (University of Vienna), Project Engineer in the private sector (Antwerp, Belgium) as well as at the National Institute for hydraulic Engineering (Antwerp, Belgium). In addition to this, he has spent part of his career at the Joint Research Centre (Ispra, Italy) and the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering (RWTH - Aachen, Germany).
His daily duties include, the visualization, validation and post-processing of model-generated, large scale scientific climate data. Also, he is involved in the adaptation and expansion of the numerical code for simulating atmospheric tracer dispersion in the Mediterranean area (e.g., pollution, dust, radionuclides), using state of the art High-Performance Computing (HPC) facilities at the Cyprus Institute.
Download the Autumn 2021 Online EuroCC & SimEA Seminar Series Programme here.
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Additional Info
- Date: Tuesday, 26 October 2021
- Time: Starts: 16:00
- Speaker: Mr Marco Miani, Computational Support Specialist, The Cyprus Institute