Event Details:
- Webinar: Opportunities for Accessing Computational Resources and Training in Cyprus and Europe
- Date: Tuesday, 2 March 2021
- Time: Starts: 16:00
- Venue: Live streaming of the discussion will be available on Zoom (Password: VsSCz1).
- Speakers: Chris Johnson, Project Manager, EPCC, The University of Edinburgh
Seid Koric, Technical Director of NCSA
Brendan McGinty, Business Development and Management Leader at the University of Illinois

CaSToRC, the HPC National Competence Centre,
invites you to the EuroCC and SimEA Online Seminar Series
The webinar will be in English and the live stream is open to the public.
Live streaming of the discussion will be available on
Zoom (Password: VsSCz1)
Images and/or recordings of our open public events may be used by The Cyprus Institute for dissemination purposes including print and digital media such as websites, press-releases, social media, and live streaming.
Webinar: PRACE SHAPE Program
SHAPE (SME HPC Adoption Programme in Europe) is a pan-European initiative supported by the PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) project. SMEs can benefit in adopting HPC as part of their workflow in a number of ways, including improvements in the quality of their products via an enhanced performance and accuracy of their models, or by reducing time to delivery, or by providing innovative new services to their customers. All of this can all increase the competitiveness of the SME, but getting SMEs to adopt HPC can be challenging with SMEs facing a number of barriers.
These may include a lack of in-house expertise or a lack of available manpower, SMEs may have little or no access to suitable hardware, and an SME may be unwilling to take on the risk of committing to HPC without prior experience. SHAPE is there to help overcome these barriers and allow SME’s to get a foot on the HPC ladder. SHAPE launches calls every six months allowing SMEs to apply for PRACE help from SHAPE via a lightweight application process with assistance being offered to SMEs at the application stage. Successful applicants to the programme are paired with an expert from a PRACE partner institution. In collaboration with the SME, the PRACE expert helps them try out their ideas for utilising HPC to enhance their business.
Projects involve tasks such as the porting or parallelisation of the SME’s code to allow running on an HPC system – SMEs get access to PRACE supercomputers and, where appropriate, to more novel hardware such as GPU nodes or visualisation suites – or may involve getting an SME up and running with a code already installed on an HPC system, or could involve optimising an already running code or a workflow for the
SME’s specific use case. Many projects are just a way of getting SMEs to “try out” HPC with minimal risk if it turns out not to work out. Since 2013 SHAPE has run 12 separate calls with 71 SMEs across 19 different countries having been awarded effort to assist with making use of HPC for their business. SMEs have come from a diverse range of subject areas, including some less traditional HPC areas such as finance and medicine. This talk will give a short introduction to the SHAPE programme in the context of other European HPC industry programmes, followed by some of the success stories from the SMEs across a variety of disciplines that have worked with PRACE. The talk will also look at upcoming improvements to SHAPE and how SHAPE may evolve as we move into the EuroHPC era.
About the Speaker
Chris Johnson, Project Manager, EPCC, The University of Edinburgh
Dr. Chris Johnson is a Project Manager at EPCC, the University of Edinburgh, and is the co-ordinator of SHAPE (SME HPC Adoption Programme in Europe), a pan-European programme that promotes High Performance Computing adoption by SMEs (small to medium sized enterprises), supported as part of the PRACE initiative. Chris graduated in 1997 with a BSc (Hons) in Mathematics and Physics from the University of Nottingham and has since completed an MSc in Computing and a PhD in Theoretical Physics from the Universities of Manchester and Liverpool, the latter specialising on numerical methods using HPC. Since joining EPCC, Chris has worked on all of the National UK Supercomputing Services run by EPCC in a number of roles and has co-ordinated several funding calls both within the UK and across Europe where he is the co-ordinator of the Tier-1 resource exchange programme, DECI. Chris also teaches Numerical Algorithms for HPC to EPCC’s MSc students.
Webinar: NCSA Industry Overview with Computational Breakthroughs and Synergies with Artificial Intelligence
The rise of the fourth paradigm of science, which is data-driven discovery, has been lately enabled by our ability to collect and analyze “big data” on HPC. In our talk, after brief introduction to NCSA Industry - the largest industrial HPC outreach in the world, we shall discuss examples of some recent advances in this field in terms of development and application of big data analytics and Artificial Intelligence in the various domains of industrial interest such as geospatial information systems (GIS), AI driven multiscale models in materials science and the convergence of CFD and AI in turbulence modeling.
About the Speakers

Seid Koric, Technical Director of NCSA
Dr. Seid Korić has 22 years of experience at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), conducting cutting-edge applied research and providing consulting for the national academic and industrial computational communities on the center's HPC platforms. Dr. Korić is currently the technical assistant director of NCSA and provides leadership for the center's engagement with academic, government and private sector customers and partners. Dr. Korić is also leading research projects on the NCSA’s peta-scale high performance computing system of Blue Waters that aim to demonstrate the scalability of engineering industrial applications on the peta and even potentially exa-scale computing level. He also serves as Research Professor in the Mechanical Science and Engineering Department at the University of Illinois. His research interests are in multiphysics modeling of complex engineering processes and the convergence of HPC and AI. He has published or contributed to over 60 research papers and articles on a diverse range of topics. Dr. Korić received his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Sarajevo with high honors. He earned M.S. in aerospace engineering (1999) and Ph.D. in mechanical engineering (2006) from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Brendan McGinty, Business Development and Management Leader at the University of Illinois
Brendan McGinty is the Director of Industry for the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), where he leads the world’s oldest and largest industrial high-performance computing (HPC) program. His teams provide solutions to grand corporate and applied challenges in the areas of modeling and simulation, bioinformatics, data analytics, visualization, and cybersecurity for many large companies. Mr. McGinty serves in similar leadership roles in the Center for Artificial Intelligence Innovation, Center for Digital Agriculture, and AIFARMS National AI Institute. He is a graduate of UIUC.
Download the Spring 2021 Online EuroCC & SimEA Seminar Series Programme here.

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