Tim Taylor

Tim Taylor

Position Email Telephone

Senior Web & Social Media Administrator +357 22 208716

Tim joined The Cyprus Institute in October 2015. He has an MSc in Information Systems and an honours Bachelor degree in Marketing. Tim has 23 years experience in IT. Prior to joining The Cyprus Institute he has held positions as web developer, database admin and project manager for private sector and governmental employers in Cyprus and UK.

Regional Cooperation Through Electricity Trade Improves Both Environmental Sustainability and Energy Security in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East

Seminar: Towards Exascale Physically-based Computational Hydrology

“Unseen Gaze: Discovering an Unknown Work by Titian”: CyI Research Presented at Exhibition in Limassol

HIPERDISCO - High-Performance, Data-Intensive, and Scientific Computing Joint Master Design

SIMEA - Modeling and Simulation for Engineering Applications

CODETHREE - Controllable Droplet Transport in Heterogeneous Environments

3D NUCLEON - Unraveling the 3D Parton Structure of the Nucleon with Lattice QCD

NICEQUARKS - Nucleon Structure at the Precision Frontier Using Lattice QCD with Physical Up, Down, Strange, and Charm Quarks

RAISE - Research on AI- and Simulation-Based Engineering at Exascale

BARYON8- Hyperon Structure and Semileptonic Decays from Lattice QCD

Publications & Media