Tim Taylor

Tim Taylor

Position Email Telephone

Senior Web & Social Media Administrator +357 22 208716

Tim joined The Cyprus Institute in October 2015. He has an MSc in Information Systems and an honours Bachelor degree in Marketing. Tim has 23 years experience in IT. Prior to joining The Cyprus Institute he has held positions as web developer, database admin and project manager for private sector and governmental employers in Cyprus and UK.

European Sustainable Development Report 2025: The Sad State of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Cyprus

CY-MATHS-IN Seminar: Virtual Materials Testing Using Stochastic 3D Models for Material Microstructures

Seminar - Why High Performance Computing for Weather and Climate: ESiWACE Center of Excellence

The 2025 Hubert Curien Memorial Lecture: "Advances in Medicine do not Necessarily Translate Into Better Health"


Uncovering a Missing Link in Climate Science: The Role of Amines in Aerosol Formation

1st Public Forum Organized by the Europa Nostra Heritage Hub in Nicosia ‘Citizens’ Engagement in Preserving Cultural Heritage’

A. G. Leventis Foundation Renews Prestigious Chair in Archaeological Sciences at The Cyprus Institute

CyI Researchers Carry Out First-ever Mapping of Trees and Forests in Cyprus Using Artificial Intelligence

Cyprus Institute Researchers Propose Targeted Measures to Tackle Energy Poverty

Publications & Media