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DCH 419: Digital Curatorship & the Museum of the Future

Course Title

Digital Curatorship & the Museum of the Future

Course Code

DCH 419

Course Type




Year / Semester

1st / 1st (Subject to change)

Instructor’s Name

George Artopoulos (Lead Instructor)



Lectures / week

1 (1h)

Laboratories / week

1 (2h)

Course Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of the course is to familiarize students with the transformations of the museums’ role in contemporary societies due to the integration of technological interfaces when interacting with knowledge. Its objectives include the understanding of the new relationship of museums with their audiences, reflecting on new educational models and opportunities offered by technology, and critical use of ICT for the creation of new curation models for the museum of the future.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students will:

  • Be able to communicate their ideas effectively to a variety of audiences using a range of references from various disciplines;
  • Develop a personal understanding of the relationship between the cultural artifact, the space of the museum and the environment and cultural phenomena that produced this artifact; and
  • Be familiar and critical with the curatorial decisions and spatial conditions of exhibiting cultural artifacts in the space of the museum, as this is augmented today by technology.


DCH 401, DCH 402

 Requirements  -

Course Content

  • Historic evolution of the Museum.
  • Contemporary museological approaches to curating representations of cultural identities in Virtual Museums: storytelling and user engagement.
  • The Coded Museum: technologies of representing knowledge and interacting with data.
  • Museums of the Future: Spatially distributed narratives for immersion in the museum space.

Teaching Methodology

Lectures, practical work


  1. Glassner, A, Interactive Storytelling.
  2. Koutsoudis, A, Makarona, C & Pavlidis. ‘Content-based navigation within virtual museums.
  3. Patel, M, White, M, Walczak, K & Sayd, P. Digitisation to presentation: Building virtual museum exhibitions’, Vision, Video and Graphics.
  4. Sylaiou, S, Liarokapis, F, Kotsakis, K & Patias, P. Virtual museums, a survey and some issues for consideration.
  5. Bruno, Fabio, et al. From 3D reconstruction to virtual reality: A complete methodology for digital archaeological exhibition.


75% exam; 25% coursework



Publications & Media