STS-Med focuses on the development, implementation and diffusion of pioneering technologies to improve energy efficiency in public buildings. The project is deploying 4 demonstrative plants based on Concentrating Solar
(CS) power serving the energy demand of 20,000 end users coming from 20 Mediterranean local communities for a total power of 400 kW.
The objective of the project is the promotion and implementation of innovative technologies and know-how transfer in the field of solar energy including that stemming from the private sector and especially from SMEs, and that may be implemented in particular in public facilities through public procurement processes. The project expects to result in increased awareness of target groups and institutional actors, enhancement of existing networks and clusters to promote know-how and results transfer at Mediterranean Sea Basin level.
The infrastructures are being built in Italy, Cyprus, Jordan and Egypt and are all aiming to streamline the introduction of solar thermal facilities in the built environment where there is increased access from SMEs and the public. These infrastructures are being introduced aiming to not only produce electricity, but also provide different types of energy aimed at different needs of public buildings, such as energy for solar air-conditioning, energy storage and desalination. The facility built in Cyprus will improve the energy profile of the New Technologies Laboratory (NTL) building towards its zero-energy building goal, unique in the region. The system is based around a Fresnel solar collector which directs its energy towards the NTL building.
CyI Principal Investigator: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Relevant publication:
Papanicolas, C., Lange, M. A., Fylaktos, N., Montenon, A., Kalouris, G., Fintikakis, N., … Santamouris, M. (2015). Design, construction and monitoring of a near-zero energy laboratory building in Cyprus. Advances in Building Energy Research, 1–11.
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Additional Info
- Acronym: STS-Med
- Website:
- Center: EEWRC
- Funding Source: ENPI CBCMED
- Funding Period: 4 years
- Starting Date: 13th January 2013
- End Date: 30th April 2016
- Coordinator: Consorzio ARCA
Consorzio ARCA (Italy), ENEA (Italy), Sicilian Region (Italy), Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Cyprus), the Cyprus Institute (Cyprus), Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (Jordan), Al Balqa Applied University (Jordan), Millennium Energy Industries (Jordan), Academy for Scientific Research and Technology (Egypt), Elsewedy Electric (Egypt), New and Renewable Energy Authority (Egypt), Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications - University of Athens (Greece), CEEI Provence (France), CEA - French Alternative Energies Atomic Energy Commission (France).