Conference: Hydrodiplomacy and the Nexus in the EMME - Towards a Regional Cooperation

Conference: Hydrodiplomacy and the Nexus in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (EMME) - Towards a Regional Cooperation
Wednesday 22 June 2022 | Starts at 09:00 (EET)
Andreas Mouskos Auditorium, José Mariano Gago Hall, The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia
A public lecture follows the conference, beginning at 19:30
The event is available to attend in person and online. Limited seating is available so please RSVP by Friday 17 June
Live streaming of the conference will be available on The Cyprus Institute's YouTube channel and Facebook event page.
Conference: Hydrodiplomacy and the Nexus in the EMME - Towards a Regional Cooperation
Under the auspices of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, EMME CCI, the Cyprus Institute and the Interacademic Group for Development (GID) are organizing a conference on June 22, 2022 entitled:
“Hydrodiplomacy and the Nexus in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East - towards a Regional Cooperation”
This event, which is also co-organized by the French Embassy, the French Institute of Cyprus, the Academy of Overseas Sciences ASOM, will host several academicians, researchers and experts who will meet to exchange, consolidate their know-how and to share their experiences in the field of water in the Mediterranean in connection with the following themes:
- Hydrodiplomacy Partnership Program (HPP) initiated by the Cyprus Institute
- Innovative solutions and recommendations for better integrated management of national and transboundary basins
- Role of Agriculture in Nexus Security
- Action plan for the adaptation of water policies proposed by the Water Working Group; the Climate Change Initiative of the EMME Region
- Unconventional waters (resurgence of sea water)
- Tools for the application of good governance on transboundary water resources
In order to optimize the exchange between the various experts present at this conference, the CyI and the GID will launch on this occasion their collaboration platform on the following themes:
Hydrodiplomacy of Transboundary Basins within the framework of the Hydrodiplomacy Partnership Programme (PPH) initiated by the Cyprus Institute
Security of the Water-Energy-Food and Ecosystem Nexus
The ECOMED Academy initiated by UNESCO-IHP, W-SMART and the Cyprus Institute as host institution of this academy
Preservation of natural and cultural heritage
Download the Conference Brief / Note de Cadrage (PDF)
Time |
Description |
08:45 - 09:00 |
Welcome Coffee |
09:00 - 10:00
- Prof. Costas Papanicolas, President of the Cyprus Institute, Special Representative for Climate Change of President of the Republic of Cyprus.
- Mr François Guinot, President of the Inter-Academic Group for Development – GID, Honorary President of the Academy of Technologies, France.
- H.E. Brice Lalonde, Former Minister of the Environment, France.
- H.E. Olivier Cadic, Senator representing French citizens abroad, Vice President of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee.
- H.E. Ms. Salina Grenet-Catalano, French Ambassador to Cyprus.
- Mme Klelia Vasileiou, Commissaire de l’environnement, Chypre/Commissioner for Environment, Cyprus
10:00 - 10:15
Keynote Speaker
- Ms Catherine Bréchignac, Ambassador Delegate for Science, Technology and Innovation, France.
Title: "Cyprus Cultural and Natural Heritage of the Mediterranean"
10:15 - 10:30
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:30
Session 1: Hydrodiplomacy and Nexus Security in the EMME Region
Chairperson: H.E Olivier Cadic, Senator representing French citizens abroad, Vice President of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee.
Keynote Speaker - Session 1: Mr Pierre Gény, Permanent Secretary of the Overseas Academy of Sciences, Member of GID
Title: "The Water Resources with the Centenary of the Overseas Academy of Sciences"
Rapporteur: Prof Fadi Comair, Director of EEWRC at The Cyprus Institute
"The Hydrodiplomacy Partnership Program : Global Water Benchmark for the EMME Region"
- Prof. Adriana Bruggeman, Head of Water Department at The Cyprus Institute: "The Cyprus Institute Water Task Force Report, The Proposed Actions and Policies"
- Prof. Manfred Lange, Emeritus Professor at the Cyprus Institute: "Subsea Groundwater Discharge as a Source of Potable Water in the Eastern Mediterranean"
- Prof. Issam Shahrour, Director of the Civil and Geo-Environmental Engineering Research Laboratory, Lille University: "Smart Water Solutions addressing Transboundary Water Conflicts"
- Mr Eric Tardieu, Director General of International Water Office INBO: "The International Basin Organisation INBO recommandations related to Sustainable Governance of Transboundary Basins" (online)
- Mr François Guerber, Vice President of the Scientifc and Technical Committee at the Mediterranean Institute of Water IME
- Ms Haifa Al Kaylani, President and Founder - Arab International Women Forum: "Climate-Smart Agriculture Key to Addressing Water and Food Security Challenges in the Mena Region - Jordan Project"
- Mr Jacques Brulhet, President of the French Academy of Agriculture. "The Sustainable Management of the Basins in the EMME, integrated vision and role of agriculture for the Security of the Nexus"
12:30 - 13:00
Discussion Q & A
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 14:30
Closing Conference
- Mr. Michel Jarraud, Honorary Secretary General of World Meteorological Organization
- H.E Brice Lalonde, Former Minister of Environment in France
14:30 - 15:00
Launching of the GID Platform for EMME Region, Hosted by CyI
- Prof. Costas Papanicolas, Mr François Guinot
- Ms Catherine Bréchignac, Mr Nicolas Grimal, Mr Pièrre Gény, Ms Michèle Gendreau-Massaloux, Mr Jacques Brulhet, Mr Michel Menu, Prof. Fadi Comair.
15:00 - 15:30
The Next Frontier: Cultural Heritage
- Mr Nicolas Grimal, Secrétaire Perpétuel de L’Académie des Inscriptions & Belles Lettre "The Challenges of Safeguarding Culture and Heritage in the EMME Region"
19:30 |
Public Lecture at The Cyprus Institute - see below for details |
Public Lecture: Future Challenges of the Mediterranean for 2050 in the Fields of Sustainable Development and Human Well-being
Venue: Andreas Mouskos Auditorium, José Mariano Gago Hall, The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia | Starts: 19:30
This public lecture is available to attend in person and online. Limited seating is available so please RSVP by Friday 17 June
Live streaming of the public lecture will be available on The Cyprus Institute's YouTube channel and Facebook event page
The conference we are part of identifies crucial targets in order to build a more inclusive and human welfare all around the mare nostrum. Many projects are devised, useful proposals are made, and the new aims and goals of our common involvement are designed and discussed in an open-minded way.
In her remarks, Mme Michèle Gendreau-Massaloux will discuss the various instruments we can seize and use, in order to move on from analysis to efficient action.
Inasmuch as all Mediterranean countries are confronting environmental problems (access to water and sustainable development being at the forefront), they have a vested interest in sharing not only diagnosis, but also solutions.
Our common goals need to be pursued at three complementary levels, each of them being as important as the other two:
- The political level, for general orientations. This is the task of the Union for the Mediterranean, with its specific programs for water and environment, energy and climate action, transport and urban development.
- The level of public policies, necessary to develop frameworks for combining national public policies and international cooperation; this is the case of “Le Plan Bleu” and the Center for Mediterranean integration.
- The level of training : it should aim at providing individuals or groups with knowledge and skills. Exemplary are the Cyprus Institute and other such institutions which we will describe.
The margins of progress, the limits and possibilities of each actor, as well as the creativity and cultural awareness we expect from all of them, will also be addressed. The role of the Interacademic Group for Development will be underlined.

Michèle Gendreau-Massaloux took her degrees at the École Normale Supérieure and the Sorbonne. A specialist of early Spanish literature, she wrote her PhD dissertation on “Seneca in the Spanish literature of the Golden Age”. She has since published many books and articles on Mediterranean cultures and civilizations.
A Professor at the University of Limoges, she has chaired the Department of Spanish and Latin-American Literature and Civilization at this University.
In 1981, she was appointed as Head of the Public Education system (Recteur) for the Academy of Orleans-Tours. Others appointments followed : Presidential adviser for education (1984-85) ; Deputy General-Secretary of the Presidency and spokesperson for the President of the Republic (1985-1988) ; member of the French National commission for communication and freedoms - CNCL- (1988-89) ; Recteur of the Academy of Paris and Chancellor of the Universities (1989-1998).
Appointed as a State Councilor in 1998, she was elected as Recteur of the Agence universitaire de la francophonie (AUF), a multilateral agency cooperating with more than 1 000 universities around the world. After heading the AUF from 1999 to 2007, she was put in charge of training, higher education, research, health and culture within the French Mission for the Mediterranean (2008-2012), then the Interministerial Delegation for the Mediterranean -Délégation interministérielle à la Méditerranée, aka. DiMed (2012-2015).
She is presently the Vice-President in charge of institutional relations of the Inter-Academic Group for Development (GID).
Commandeur de l’Ordre national de la Légion d’honneur, Grand Officier de l’Ordre national du Mérite, Commandeur des Palmes Académiques.
The events will be in English and their live streams are open to the public. Images and/or recordings of our open public events may be used by The Cyprus Institute for dissemination purposes including print and digital media such as websites, press-releases, social media, and live streaming.
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