Tim Taylor

Tim Taylor

Position Email Telephone

Senior Web & Social Media Administrator +357 22 208716

Tim joined The Cyprus Institute in October 2015. He has an MSc in Information Systems and an honours Bachelor degree in Marketing. Tim has 23 years experience in IT. Prior to joining The Cyprus Institute he has held positions as web developer, database admin and project manager for private sector and governmental employers in Cyprus and UK.

Iran's Deputy Minister of Science, Research and Technology visits CyI

Board of Trustees Meeting: 2015 has been the most successful year of operation for The Cyprus Institute

International World Water Day 2016 Event

Information Technology Office

Procurement, Contracts & Assets Office

Seminar: The Environs of Jerusalem during the Biblical Period / Between Caesarea and Jerusalem

QUALICHeCK Roadshow 10 - Years of Energy Performance Certificate

Europe under threat by tiger mosquito

Colloquium: Interdisciplinary Research in Ephesos

Exhibition: Energy for a Sustainable World

Publications & Media